#5 Masshole Goes Absolutely Insane When He Finds A Huge, Dying Fish




Perfect, perfect Masshole. No idea what you’re screaming about but make sure you’re screaming. I mean how many animals did that thing get diagnosed as? Sea turtle, baby whale, flounder, tuna, Edgartown Shark. All of them. Guy just saw a big fucking fish and wanted to go nuts. And that’s perfect boat life, because everyone does that when you get onboard. No one wants to be the guy who doesn’t know what they’re talking about, so you immediately turn into a marine biologist.

Go lift the bumpers portside? Sure thing. *roam around until someone tells you exactly what to do*

See a fish in the water? I know what that is! *yell out every sea creature you can think of*

Raise the jib? On it! *start pulling random lines*

Save the creature? CALL THE AQUARIUM!!!!

That’s just nautical living. Everyone’s an expert, everyone’s drunk and everyone’s blaring Juicy. Throw in a Masshole and it’s the perfect storm of chaos.

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